8 Apr 2023

Here Comes Summer

Newhaven at home to Eastbourne United at the Trafalgar Ground in the SCFL Premier division

We're at a sunny Fort Road for the penultimate home game of the season. Second in the league Dockers face ninth placed United as we near the end of the season. Not looking good for the title but the playoffs are in reach with some consistent performances. Big Robbo is still out but Little is back in. United are big physical team so this could be a battle.

The first half was not a good watch. Very broken up with few chances, lots of niggling tackles and endless moaning at the ref. Best chance went to the visitors who hit the corner of post and cross bar with a great free kick. Newhaven team a bit MIA. 0-0 at half-time.

Dockers much better in the second half and generated some good chances. Nothing would go in though with Charlie hitting the bar and Demas heading onto the post. It stopped for a while when Bailie was injured not long after coming on. Kicked in the face.  😲  In a better tempered game it would have been dismissed as an accident but we didn't see it that way, the ref did though giving the offending player just a yellow. Hope Bailie is OK as looked and sounded horrible 🙈🙉. Newhaven had a couple of late penalty shouts turned down, both of which could easily have been given. The first for a handball and the other for blatantly pulling Lukas over as he ran into the box in the dying seconds. Robbed.

What a horrible game to watch. Don't like playing this lot. They are good at what they do and reasonably successful in the league but they look like they all look like they hate football from the way they play it. Newhaven deserved something out the second half for effort but not for quality. Not exactly play-off form from the boys today. Wa dust wa selves down and go again.

Don't like to moan about the ref  but !'*& @ @#$%& !@!$ % £* &^^@? !$%£ *&^ ^ @1&*@ ! !@#£&£%*<£m  @^ ^@ ? !$% £* !. And not good enough when it came to player safety with the horror tackle on Bailie an example what happens when there are no standards set. And it was a yellow. !$%*&@!. And another thing. Allowed so much time wasting that we weren't sure if the match would finish in the spring ⛅or summer 🌞. *&@?£ %$£&*@*!

Scranometer had a day off but the hot chocolate was as nice as ever 8/10.

Glad that's over

Love Tranmerekat 🐾

Sunshine on Fort Road 

Teams are out